Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Let Us Start a New Practice

First, i would like to greet everyone a Merry Christmas <3

Next, i would like to invite everyone to start doing calligraphy with me. My master, Master Sha has release a ancient wisdom that teaches us to use writing calligraphy as meditation. I invite people who are not ready to write calligraphy to trace with my calligraphy and use it as form of meditation, and for those who like to write calligraphy... join me.

How do you trace? Close all five fingers together and follow the lines. It is simple enough that you can find the beginning and reach the end of the characters.

Master Sha writes in Yi Bi Zhi. It means one stroke character. By making the chinese character that has multiple strokes into one stroke, this combines the Shen(Soul, Heart, Mind), Chi(Energy), Jing(Matter) of the character. It takes the totality of all the Shen + Energy + Matter and put it together as 1. Shen 神, Chi 氣, Jing 精, He Yi 合 一 (Join as one)

神氣精合 一 / Shen Chi Jing He Yi

Thank you Master Sha for this ancient wisdom, knowledge and practical technique of writing meditation for healing and rejuvenation of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body, that affects every aspect of life.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong


  1. Thank you so much Master Henderson. I would love to practice/trace with you. Is it possible to make each character one by one (bigger)? I found a source for the special magic cloth we used to write our calligraphy in the retreat:

    1. i am glad you found a set at prepare for TA, Master Sha will be teaching us more and it will very exciting!
      love you Gloria <3

  2. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family, Master Henderson. I enjoy tracing or practicing with a pen although its not quite the same :) Thank you for this great idea and service. Looking forward to the classes!

    1. you got it... it does not matter as much as how you trace it, it is the action that gets us the meditation going.
      love you Brenda <3

  3. Merry Christmas Master Henderson, love you! Thank you for this beautiful post and Calligraphy. I tried to trace it but couldn't see how to trace them all but meditated with it instead which was beautiful and very powerful. Countless bow downs to you, lots of love

    1. i will make the other post bigger, this time the photo is not as large to display. jsut keep following.
      love you Lillian <3

  4. Thank you Master Henderson,

    Just found out you are doing this practice! So excited to practice with you! Thank you so much for your great service! Aloha!
