Friday, December 26, 2014

Bao Yuan Shou Yi

Bao Yuan Shou Yi

Bao means to hold/embrace, Yuan means round/ball, Shou means focus or concentrate, Yi means one. Bao Yuan Shou Yi in our teaching focuses on Holding the Tao and concentrating on one, this one point is the Ming Men acupuncture point, which is the Tao point. the Ming Men acupuncture point is located in the opposite of the naval behind the back of the body.

Thank you Master Sha for this ancient wisdom, knowledge and practical technique of writing meditation for healing and rejuvenation of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body, that affects every aspect of life.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong


  1. Thank you Master Henderson for inspiring us to write Tao Calligraphy - I will try writing Bao Yuan Shou Yi as my next calligraphy project. In love and gratitude, Julia

  2. thank you Master Henderson, for this teaching. All love and blessings to you.

  3. Dear Master Henderson, Thank you for all the wonderful postings on your blog.LY LY LY
