Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Ren Di Tien Tao Huo He Yi

Ren Di Tien Tao Huo He Yi - 人地天火木合一

Ren means human being, Di means Mother Earth, Tien means Heaven, Tao is the Way, the Source and the Universal Principals and Laws, Huo means fire element, He Yi means join as one.
with the Chinese Traditional Medicine states that to balance the fire element in the body will affect the following in your body:

Element : Fire
Yin Organ : Heart
Yang Organ : Small Intestine
Body Tissue : Blood Vessels
Body Fluid : Sweats
Sense : Tongue/Taste
Unbalance Emotions : Depression/Anxiety/Excitability
Part of Hand : Middle finger

Ren Di Tien Tao Huo He Yi - 人地天火木合一

Thank you Master Sha for this ancient wisdom, knowledge and practical technique of writing meditation for healing and rejuvenation of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body, that affects every aspect of life.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ren Di Tien Tao Mu He Yi

Ren Di Tien Tao Mu He Yi - 人地天道木合一

Ren means human being, Di means Mother Earth, Tien means Heaven, Tao is the Way, the Source and the Universal Principals and Laws, Mu means wood element, He Yi means join as one.

with the Chinese Traditional Medicine states that to balance the wood element in the body will affect the following in your body:

Element : Wood
Yin Organ : Liver
Yang Organ : Gallbladder
Body Tissue : Tendons and Nails
Body Fluid : Tears
Sense : Eyes/Sight
Unbalance Emotions : Anger
Part of Hand : Index finger

Ren Di Tien Tao Mu He Yi - 人地天道木合一

Thank you Master Sha for this ancient wisdom, knowledge and practical technique of writing meditation for healing and rejuvenation of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body, that affects every aspect of life.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bao Yuan Shou Yi

Bao Yuan Shou Yi

Bao means to hold/embrace, Yuan means round/ball, Shou means focus or concentrate, Yi means one. Bao Yuan Shou Yi in our teaching focuses on Holding the Tao and concentrating on one, this one point is the Ming Men acupuncture point, which is the Tao point. the Ming Men acupuncture point is located in the opposite of the naval behind the back of the body.

Thank you Master Sha for this ancient wisdom, knowledge and practical technique of writing meditation for healing and rejuvenation of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body, that affects every aspect of life.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Let Us Start a New Practice

First, i would like to greet everyone a Merry Christmas <3

Next, i would like to invite everyone to start doing calligraphy with me. My master, Master Sha has release a ancient wisdom that teaches us to use writing calligraphy as meditation. I invite people who are not ready to write calligraphy to trace with my calligraphy and use it as form of meditation, and for those who like to write calligraphy... join me.

How do you trace? Close all five fingers together and follow the lines. It is simple enough that you can find the beginning and reach the end of the characters.

Master Sha writes in Yi Bi Zhi. It means one stroke character. By making the chinese character that has multiple strokes into one stroke, this combines the Shen(Soul, Heart, Mind), Chi(Energy), Jing(Matter) of the character. It takes the totality of all the Shen + Energy + Matter and put it together as 1. Shen 神, Chi 氣, Jing 精, He Yi 合 一 (Join as one)

神氣精合 一 / Shen Chi Jing He Yi

Thank you Master Sha for this ancient wisdom, knowledge and practical technique of writing meditation for healing and rejuvenation of the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical body, that affects every aspect of life.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Sunday, November 9, 2014

道 Tao

The Way, The Source, The Universal Principal and Laws

I am inviting all humanity and all souls to come study the Tao with Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha this November 11 to 28 of year 2014.

Tao I & II combined retreat for healing, rejuvenation and longevity. You will learn soul secrets, wisdom knowledge and practical techniques on how to:
  • Boost your energy, stamina, vitality and immunity
  • Heal your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies
  • Prevent illness of your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies
  • Enlighten your soul, heart, mind and body
  • and more
Here is a personal invitation from Master Sha for you to join the Tao I & II combined retreat Nov 11 - 15, 2014


"Through his Soul Power book series, Dr. Sha guides the reader into a consciousness of healing not only of body, mind and spirit but also of the heart. I consider his healing path to be a universal spiritual practice, a journey into genuine transformation."
– Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith
Author of Spiritual Liberation

Tao III & IV combined retreat for healing, rejuvenation and longevity, you will be empowered to gain deeper awareness of the significance and benefits of learning Tao, and learn further secrets and sacred practices.

Receive guidance on how to further your practice of Tao in your daily life
Receive powerful Divine and Tao transmissions to bless your spiritual journey
Receive Master Sha’s personal soul healing blessings to heal, rejuvenate and transform all aspects of your life and bless your soul journey

Here is a personal invitation from Master Sha for you to join the Tao III & IIV combined retreat Nov 17 - 22, 2014

Tao is the Source.
Tao is the creator of countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.
Tao is the creator of Heaven and Mother Earth.
Tao is The Way of all life.
Tao is the universal principles and laws.
– Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Friday, October 31, 2014

Divine Healing Hands

Divine Healing Hands are God's healing hands transmitted to humanity by Master Sha in this time when Mother Earth is going through a transition.

I am very honored to have received my Divine Healing Hands in 2011.  Two years ago, one of my neighbor who was a professional nurse about late 50's was going through chemotherapy and the doctor gave her a diagnose of less than 3 months to live. Doctor told her to stay home and spend more time with her children. I saw my neighbor loosing most of her hair, i knew she was a devout catholic, i proceeded to tell her about what i am learning with Master Sha, Divine Healing Hands and soul healing. She was over gloom by her own situation that it was hard to get her to focus, or to accept. so i offered if i can pray for her. She gently agreed and said please pray for me.

I started my Divine Healing Hands blessing every day at the same hour 11pm. i send blessing consistently... after 3 months i saw my neighbor with a full set of hair and a big smile. I ask her how is she doing. She said with an exclamation "the doctors said it a miracle!" she was out of her treatment and all is well. She look at me in the eye and said i know you had a hand in this, her eyes started to tear. I told her that it is a God's miracle and that i use Divine Healing Hand to pray for her, and that is what i am learning with Master Sha. She was so grateful that on a party that she organized for her success of fighting cancer, she announced to all that it was because i have prayed for her that today she is a walking miracle.

I am a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer, i am very honored without words to describe how grateful i am for this opportunity to serve, to serve in such an unparalleled capacity. I can not thank you enough to Master Sha who created and gifted this order from the heart of the Divine to allow us to have a treasure that is of Divine's love, forgiveness, compassion and light, for us to become a servant of humanity.

The words "countless bow downs" are not even enough to say how grateful i am.

If you have this desire to serve humanity, to serve your love ones... come and apply to be a Divine Healing Hands Soul Healer.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Master Sha is truly a total GOLD servant for humanity and all soul.

Proclamation From Maui, Hawaii Declaring Sept 21st
as Dr & Master Zhi Gang Sha Day.

Master Sha is truly an example of total GOLD unconditional universal servant to humanity and all souls on Mother Earth, Heaven and countless planet, stars, galaxies, and universes.

"G" for Gratitude, "O" for Obedience, "L" for Loyalty and "D" for Devotion to the Divine, the Tao, the Source.

Master Sha live these four virtues and qualities, He is the manifestation of the Divine, the Tao and the Source in Him. Heaven has open to Him as a channel and vehicle of The Source frequency and light. we are very blessed to have Master Sha with us in our lifetime.

I am inviting everyone to become an Unconditional Universal Servant to serve humanity and all souls. Master Sha first empowerment is to teach universal service, to empower people to become an unconditional universal servant. The message of universal service is:

I serve humanity and all soul in Mother Earth,
Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies,
and universes unconditionally.

You serve humanity and all soul in Mother Earth,
Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies,
and universes unconditionally.

Together we serve humanity and all soul in Mother Earth,
Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies,
and universes unconditionally.

To serve is to make others happier and healthier. My experience of service through Master Sha's teaching is very profound. It is hard to put into words how i have grown and the totality of what i learned. I have learned to learn how to love +more, to forgive +more, to have compassion +more, how to think of humility +more. A life of service will open your heart, enlighten your mind, and bring true happiness into your life.

To know that there is more to learn, to improve and to move forward is improving our life, our purpose of being, our commitment to humanity and all souls. It is move our soul's journey forward.

Serve, serve, serve! Love, love, love and be truly happy from within.

with love and total GOLD to serve,
henderson ong

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Ren Di Tian Tao Ji Zhu He Yi Soul Healing Miracle Tracing Video Contest

I am very honored to be a part of the Soul Healing Miracles Video Contest of the Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Ren Di Tian Tao Ji Zhu Spinal Column He Yi tracing. I know i have a stiff back every morning i wake up and so i joined this contest to see if miracles will really happen for me, and definitely yesterday morning i woke up with a pretty stiff back, i was not movable at all, so i said this is it, this is my opportunity to try the Soul Healing Miracles video contest Ren Di Tian Tao Ji Zhu He Yi tracing. So I open it and started tracing on it: Ren Di Tian Tao Ji Zhu He Yi… Ren Di Tian Tao Ji Zhu He Yi… In about less than five minutes, my back released, and i was able to move more. To know that this back released is actually a very important thing in the morning… because if you wake up with a stiff back, your walking, putting on your clothes to go to work, and you are about to start your day with a stiff back… that will actually pull your energy down.

As soon as i finish tracing the calligraphy and my back released, I felt an instant energy boosted up my spinal column and that gave me the open minded, happiness, and ready to face the day feeling, and that to me is priceless.

I invite you do come to try it out, sign up at Drsha.com. There is a button up in the homepage for the Source tracing Ren Di Tian Tao Ji Zhu Spinal Column He Yi calligraphy video contest. I want you to try it out for yourself, let the miracle help you on your transformation of your life.

Video Contest

Thank you for watching.

with love and gratitude,
Henderson Ong

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Daily Soul Marketing

What is Soul Marketing? Master Sha teaches heal the soul first and mind a body will follow. How do you get your ideas across clearly with less noise. Talk to the soul of the person first and then talk to the person live, which is the mind and body. Communicate to the soul of the target market and all the souls that will benefit from what you are sharing with soul marketing first, so that their soul will receive the message and then their mind and body will follow, will understand better, faster and in a deeper meaning.

Why is there a certain way to do an effective soul marketing? The Soul world is of love, peace and harmony. In order to send a clear message, this message should be of pure thoughts and intentions. To do a powerful soul marketing is to give unconditionally the love, forgiveness, compassion and light of what you are sharing to all soul. To share with them on a soul level is key to understanding in their soul and hearts before their minds. To learn how to communicate out these thoughts and intentions with unconditional service of sharing, there is a way that Master Sha has shown us.

I am inviting all souls to come help me spread the good news. Spread the word that Master Sha is a world-renowned soul leader, soul healer, and Source channel. Master Sha can help transform every aspect of our lives. Healing sickness, rejuvenation, transformation of relationships and finances. Master Sha is the authority channel for our soul journey.

Let us do Soul Marketing together.
You can use this practice for your own marketing needs. Follow with me:

Body power:
  • Sit up straight.
  • Put the tip or your tongue to the roof of the mouth and gently relax.
  • Put your hands in the soul light era prayer position. Left hand positioned on the message center/in front of the chest, and right hand in a single prayer position in front of the left hand.
Mind power:
  • Visualize all the souls that we are about to call.
Soul power:
(if you have Soul Marketing Orders and Treasures. start with the first 3 lines, if you do not have Soul Marketing Orders and Treasure, skip the first 3 lines.)

Dear soul mind body of all my Soul Marketing Orders and treasures.
I love you, honor you and bow down to you.
Please turn on to do soul marketing for the Mission.

Dear all humanity, wan ling, including countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.
I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

Join the mission to create a Love Peace Harmony Universal Family.
Join Master Sha and Divine Channels on their TV, radio, blogs, trainings and events worldwide.
Received Divine Services from Master Sha and Divine Channels to remove soul, mind, body blockages.
Read all of Master Sha and Divine Channel’s books. Use the books, CDs, and DVDs to receive the highest blessings and healing. Share the books, CDs, and DVDs with love ones. Create Soul Healing Miracles to heal and transform yourself, your love ones, Mother Earth, all humanity, and all souls in countless planets, stars, galaxies, and universes.

** Put in your request _____________.(Help my business grow so that i can help serve all “name your city, region, and or target market”.)

Let us join hearts and souls together to help humanity to pass through this difficult time.
Let us purify our soul hearts, minds, and bodies to reach wan ling rong he(all souls join as one).

We are extremely honored to be an unconditional universal servant.
Please bless me.
Please bless humanity.
Please bless wan ling.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Countless bow downs, countless bow downs, countless bow downs.

Sound power:

This is the most powerful tool for marketing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Monday, June 30, 2014

The joy of being in a Master Sha retreat.

I am very grateful to Master Sha in this month of June. I cannot thank him enough for the teachings of ancient wisdom, knowledge, and practical techniques that he once again delivered in two powerful retreats. There were 430+ participant from around the world who joined the retreats.

Imagine eating the most nutritious, healthy, and most delicious food, experiencing the best workout feeling, or the most amazing body relaxation massage. These are only a few of the ways on how we nourish and take care of our physical bodies.

Being in a retreat with Master Sha is a ‘soul’ banquet. The soul is being nourished with pure Source frequency, vibration, love, forgiveness, compassion, and light. Those whose spiritual channels are open can see, feel or know this instantly. It is the most exciting gift that we could receive for our soul. 

Master Sha teaches love melts all blockages, and transforms all life. Master Sha has written a Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Da Ai which is in his  book, Soul Healing Miracles.  “Da” means greatest, and “Ai” means Love. “Da Ai” means greatest love. This Source Ling Guang Calligraphy Da Ai brings in Source frequency and vibration of The Source Greatest Love.

To be in Master Sha’s retreat is to receive the feeling of The Source Da Ai. It has the possibility to:

  • Melt blockages in every aspect of our life
  • It’s frequency and vibration can heal and rejuvenate our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies
  • Transform our relationships and finances
  • Bring The Source unconditional love
I invite you to come and attend one of Master Sha’s retreats. He is currently in Australia. If you live near Melbourne or Sydney, join Master Sha's retreat today to experience what is a soul banquet, what is the feeling of the Source Da Ai, unconditional greatest love.  

I am very grateful to share my experience with you. I thank you for taking the time and opportunity to read my blog. Feed your soul, give the greatest gift of greatest love to your soul.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
with love and gratitude,

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lost and Found

Wonderful opportunity to practice Master Sha’s soul communication techniques. Today i have a wonderful opportunity to help a colleague who is missing her brand new smart phone. i was honored that to be ask for help. I immediately use Master Sha’s soul communication techniques:

Body power: put hand on soul light era prayer position. Left hand on message center, right hand on prayer position.

Mind power: visualize the smart phone.

Soul power, Say Hello:
Dear Soul Mind Body of the smart phone [ Replace ‘smart phone’ with name or type of your item ]
I love you, honor you and appreciate you [ Give love ]
We truly would like you come home, we need your service. [ Acknowledge it ]
Please tell us and guide to where you are, and if we are near give us the sign. [ Give it an order ]
Thank you, thank you, thank you. [ Offer gratitude by thanking it ]

Sound power: i received a message to sing the Source Song of Love 2x and then Love, Peace and Harmony soul song once.

Ai Ya, Ai Ya, Ai Ya Hei, Ai Ya You, Ai Ya You Hei, Ai Ya You.

Ai Ya, Ai Ya, Ai Ya Hei, Ai Ya You, Ai Ya You Hei, Ai Ya You.

Lu La Lu La Li,

Lu La Lu La La Li,
Lu La Lu La Li Lu La,
Lu La Li Lu La,
Lu La Li Lu La.

Immediately after the song i heard a message whisper “jacket”. I then proceed to ask the person where is your jacket. She said “in the car”. So we both proceeded to the car and look for the jacket. My colleague then explained that she had search her jacket already multiple times, and it was not on the jacket. As we arrive at the where the jacket was located, i then heard a new message “call me”, so i as my colleague to give her phone a ring. As we called the phone, it rang in front of us. We both exclaimed “it is in front of us!”. We then noticed the sound was coming from behind a box in front of us. We immediately peek at the back of the box and found the missing phone.

We where both very excited and very grateful… we immediately thank Master Sha for this wonderful teaching, we thank our Heavens team and our Heavens animal team and thank the soul of the smart phone.

Another lost object found. 

Countless bow downs, countless bow downs, countless bow downs.

Thank you for reading my blog.
with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Thursday, April 17, 2014

God gives His heart to me.

Dear all precious souls, you may know God as the bible God, Aten for Egyptian. Hebrew Bible YHVH, Yahweh and Jehovah used in Christianity, in Arabic name Allah, Judaism refer to Elohim, Baha in the Bahá’í Faith, Waheguru in Sikhism, and Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism.

God is the spiritual father and mother of all souls in Heaven and Mother Earth. God is most loving, forgiving and compassionate. God is an unconditional universal servant who offers unconditional universal service. God is the most important and integral part of our being, He is our creator and our mentor. 

On April, 2003 God appeared to Master Sha and pass on a Universal Law, which is one of the empowerments that Master Sha teaches, this law is the law of universal service, to empower people to be unconditional universal servants. The message of universal service is:

I serve humanity and all souls in Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes unconditionally.

You serve humanity and all souls in Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes unconditionally.

Together we serve humanity and all souls in Mother Earth, Heaven, and countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes unconditionally.

- Dr. and Master Sha

Today, many people believe in God. If i tell you that God can heal you, i am sure you will all agree. i want to tell you that you have to have faith in God in order to be healed, to be helped, to be forgiven and to be free.

I want to help you strengthen your faith in God. Use this meditation that God gave to Master Sha. It is titled “God gives His heart to me

God gives His heart to me,
God gives His love to me,
My heart melds with his heart,
My love melds with his love.

Lu la lu la la li
Lu la lu la la li
Lu la lu la li
Lu la lu la la li


Body Power:
- Sit up straight, press both feet firmly on the ground. Your body relax, gently touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and relax. Contract your anus muscles and relax. These actions will connect the flow of energy of your Ren and Du meridians(TCM practice).
- put your hands in the Soul Light Era prayer position, left hand on your message center/heart chakra, right hand in the prayer position. Or your regular prayer position.

Mind Power:
Visualize you are inside a bright golden light ball.

Soul Power:
[Say Hello] Dear God,
[show your love] I love you, honor you and bow down to you.
[ask what you need] Please help me strengthen my faith in you. Please guide me on how to offer universal service.
[show your gratitude] I am truly grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Sound Power:
Sing God gives His heart to me for 5 to 10 minutes first. You can sing longer and benefit more from this practice. The longer you sing the more benefits you receive. Singing is chanting, chanting is meditating.

Thank you for reading my blog, i want you to strengthen your faith in God and benefit from this practice.

Purchase God Gives His Heart to Me »

Love you all.
with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Sunday, March 9, 2014

If you want to know if a pear is sweet, taste it. ~ Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha

Recently i stumbled upon the experiment of Dr. Masaru Emoto in Youtube on the impact of thought and intention on an object.

Masaru Emoto's Rice Experiment:

Message and intention on rice for a month

These are the others who tried the experiment with the thought and intention properly projected:

If you want to know if soul healing works, try it.

Now i want you to think for a moment… do you have any pain in your body? Do you have any discomfort in life that you would like to resolve? 

Please watch this video everyday for a month. Log your start date, state your problem and condition that needs healing. You can watch it more than once a day.

Now make your request (invocation):

Dear Master Sha,
I love you, honor you, and appreciate you.

Please heal my _________ (organ, system, part of the body, or health condition, such as: heart, circulation system, knee, or arthritis).
I am very grateful.
Thank you.

Please also place your request on our Chanting Channel: TV.DrSha.com. People all around the are chanting 24/7 to bless and offer healing for each request. Many soul healing miracles have already happened.

I love you all and wish you will create your soul healing miracles as fast as possible!

Please report your soul healing miracle story back to me or to the Gratitude Basket in the Chanting Channel and also on the Miracle Stories tab.

with love and gratitude,
henderson ong

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Everything i know i learned from my spiritual father.

Dr. and Master Sha travels eleven months a year, healing, teaching, and serving humanity. This is a noble and selfless act of unconditional love to humanity and all souls. My goal in life is to learn and to follow the example of my spiritual father. I am honored to serve Him and His mission. 

Dec 2011, Mumbai, India.

Thousands gathered in a theater-like auditorium to listen to the teachings and to witness the miraculous soul healing work of Dr. and Master Sha. It was a wonderful event with TV channels and  their camera crews onsite. Attendance was in the thousands of people. Hundreds were in the overflow space. Many miracles happened that day… headache gone, back pain healed, improved vision, memory loss regained, and Divine Healing Hands downloaded to humanity. The atmosphere was beautiful and calm. I was a volunteer helping to take pictures.

Early the next morning as i was writing notes in my notebook a young lady came up to me to ask for my help. She said she lost her notebook, similar to my notebook, green in color, standard 8.5" x 11," purchased in North America, not your typical Indian metric size. She lost it yesterday in the big auditorium, and asked if I had seen this green notebook. It was very important to her, as it had all her notes she needed for her collegiate studies and final exams which were coming up soon.

i have learned from studying with Master Sha that everything has a soul, and the purpose of souls is to serve. We just need  to invoke them, or call upon them. So i applied what I knew and invited the young lady to follow along with me. [If you have lost an item and wish to find it, follow along with me now.]

Dear Soul Mind Body of the Notebook [ Replace ‘notebook’ with name or type of your item ]
I love you, honor you and appreciate you [ Give love ]
I miss you and truly would need your service again [ Acknowledge it ]
Please show up as fast as possible [ Give it an order ]
Thank you, thank you, thank you. [ Offer gratitude by thanking it ]

Next steps:
- Sing Divine Soul Song of Love Peace Harmony. [ for 10 mins or more ]

      I love my heart and soul
      I love all humanity
      Join hearts and souls together
      Love peace and harmony
      Love peace and harmony

- Let go of any attachments of finding it "now".
- Allow the soul to find its way back, allow the miracle to happen.

She gave me a look of skepticism and said: "i will believe". So i went to the front desk of the auditorium and asked if they had a lost and found box. I explained our situation of the lost notebook. The concierge looked at me and said, "This is India, good luck." I smiled and walked away. i believe in more than luck. i believe in Soul Power.

Then I started to focus on what i needed to do that day. Nearly two hours passed, then the young lady came running back to me with excitement and joy. She exclaimed that the concierge actually called to tell her that a good Samaritan had found her lost notebook. The concierge did not believe it would happen. The young lady was over joyed and signed up for the following retreat that we where offering Divine Healing Hands.

Miracles do happen when you apply soul power. I invite all of you and all souls to read Dr. and Master Sha’s Soul Power Series and Soul Healing Miracles Series of books.

Thank you for reading. Love you all.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What is life's purpose

One day I asked God what are His plans for me. He gave me a clear answer: Go find Dr. Sha to learn and follow the way of his service and unconditional love for humanity and all souls. These concepts are expressed in one of his one-sentence secrets:
"The purpose of life is to serve." Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
Dr. and Master Sha tours around the world healing and helping people with their soul sicknesses. This action truly moved my heart so much that one day I left my world to learn about his world, a world of true unconditional service.

Monday, October 31, 2011, was my last day at work. I retired from my corporate job to follow and volunteer my service for my new found spiritual teacher.

With love and gratitude,
henderson ong