Wonderful opportunity to practice Master Sha’s soul communication techniques. Today i have a wonderful opportunity to help a colleague who is missing her brand new smart phone. i was honored that to be ask for help. I immediately use Master Sha’s soul communication techniques:
Body power: put hand on soul light era prayer position. Left hand on message center, right hand on prayer position.
Mind power: visualize the smart phone.
Soul power, Say Hello:
Dear Soul Mind Body of the smart phone [ Replace ‘smart phone’ with name or type of your item ]
I love you, honor you and appreciate you [ Give love ]
We truly would like you come home, we need your service. [ Acknowledge it ]
Please tell us and guide to where you are, and if we are near give us the sign. [ Give it an order ]
Thank you, thank you, thank you. [ Offer gratitude by thanking it ]
Sound power: i received a message to sing the Source Song of Love 2x and then Love, Peace and Harmony soul song once.
Ai Ya, Ai Ya, Ai Ya Hei, Ai Ya You, Ai Ya You Hei, Ai Ya You.
Ai Ya, Ai Ya, Ai Ya Hei, Ai Ya You, Ai Ya You Hei, Ai Ya You.
Lu La Lu La Li,
Lu La Lu La La Li,
Lu La Lu La Li Lu La,
Lu La Li Lu La,
Lu La Li Lu La.
Immediately after the song i heard a message whisper “jacket”. I then proceed to ask the person where is your jacket. She said “in the car”. So we both proceeded to the car and look for the jacket. My colleague then explained that she had search her jacket already multiple times, and it was not on the jacket. As we arrive at the where the jacket was located, i then heard a new message “call me”, so i as my colleague to give her phone a ring. As we called the phone, it rang in front of us. We both exclaimed “it is in front of us!”. We then noticed the sound was coming from behind a box in front of us. We immediately peek at the back of the box and found the missing phone.
We where both very excited and very grateful… we immediately thank Master Sha for this wonderful teaching, we thank our Heavens team and our Heavens animal team and thank the soul of the smart phone.
Another lost object found.
Countless bow downs, countless bow downs, countless bow downs.
Thank you for reading my blog.
with love and gratitude,
henderson ong